Terms and conditions of use



This document contains the General Terms and Conditions under which IC Intracom Ltd. provides Services to its Users through the Internet Shop www.ic-intracom.bg. These terms and conditions bind all users. By loading the built hyperlinks located on the hosting server of IC Intracom Ltd. or by paying for the use of paid services offered by it, the User agrees, fully accepts and undertakes to comply with these Terms and Conditions. Identification of the User for the purpose of reproduction of his statement of acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions is carried out through the IP address of the User, as well as any other information stored in the log-files of the server of IC Intracom Ltd.

Subject to the General Terms and Conditions

Art. 1. IC Intracom Ltd. provides the intended in these General Terms and Conditions products and services.

Rights and obligations of the User

Art. 2. The User has the right to browse and order the goods advertised on the Internet shop of IC Intracom Ltd.

Art. 3. The User has the right to inform himself about the status of his order.

Art. 4. The user, registered as a member of www.ic-intracom.bg, is fully responsible for the protection of his/her username and password, as well as for all actions that are performed by him/her or by a third party through the use of the username and password. The user is obliged to immediately notify IC Intracom Ltd. of any case of unauthorized access through the use of his/her username and password and whenever there is a risk of such use.

Art. 5. The user is obliged to pay the price of his order as advertised on the www.ic-intracom.bg website.

Art. 6. Each user, regardless of whether he/she is a customer of IC Intracom Ltd. is obliged when using the services:

par. 1. not to violate and respect the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens and human rights, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, the laws of the country and recognized international instruments;

par. 2. not to injure the reputation of another and not to call for a violent change of the constitutionally established order, the commission of a crime, violence against the person or incitement to racial, national, ethnic or religious hatred;

par. 3. not to violate others' property or non-property, absolute or relative rights and interests, such as property rights, intellectual property rights, etc.;

par. 4. to comply with the Bulgarian legislation, applicable foreign laws, rules of morality and good manners and Internet ethics when using the services provided by IC Intracom Ltd.;

par. 5. to immediately notify IC Intracom Ltd. of any violation committed or detected when using the provided services;

par. 6. not to load, send, transmit, distribute or use in any way or make available to third parties any software, computer programs, files, applications or other materials containing computer viruses, systems for unauthorized remote control ("Trojan horses"), computer codes, or materials designed to interrupt, impede, disrupt or restrict the normal functioning of computer hardware or software or telecommunications facilities, or designed to allow unauthorized intrusion into or access to foreign resources.

par. 7. not commit malicious acts;

Art. 7. By loading any of the hyperlinks established on the server of IC Intracom Ltd., the User, whether registered as a customer of the store or not, declares that he/she agrees to the General Terms and Conditions and undertakes to comply with them. The General Terms and Conditions are published in a prominent place in the Online Shop and are available to every User.

Rights and Obligations of IC Intracom Ltd.

Art. 8. IC Intracom Ltd. has no obligation and no objective possibility and does not control the way in which users use the provided services.

Art. 9. IC Intracom Ltd. shall have the right, but not the obligation, to retain materials and information used, located on the server of IC Intracom Ltd. or made available to third parties by a user, and to provide them to third parties and relevant state authorities in cases where this is necessary to preserve rights and legitimate interests, the property and security of IC Intracom Ltd., as well as to third parties, in the case of claims brought in connection with the violation of their rights in connection with the information or materials used or disseminated, as well as in cases where the materials or information are requested by governmental authorities, etc.

Art. 10. IC Intracom Ltd. has the right at any time, without notifying the User, when the latter uses the Services in violation of these Terms and Conditions, as well as at the discretion of IC Intracom Ltd. to terminate, suspend or modify the provided Services. IC Intracom Ltd. is not responsible for Users or third parties for any damages or lost profits resulting from the termination, suspension, modification or restriction of the Services, or the deletion, modification, loss, unreliability, inaccuracy, or incompleteness of any messages, materials or information transmitted, used, recorded or made available through IC Intracom Ltd.

Art. 11. IC Intracom Ltd. may provide hyperlinks to other websites and resources in the subject headings of the store. IC Intracom Ltd. Is not responsible for any damages or loss of profit arising in connection with the use, access or reliability of such materials and content. The user is fully liable for any damage caused to IC Intracom Ltd. and third parties as a result of using or accessing these websites and resources.

Art. 12. IC Intracom Ltd. Is not responsible for any damages caused to software, hardware or telecommunications equipment, or for any loss of data resulting from materials or resources searched, loaded or used in any way through the provided services. The advice, consultation or assistance provided by the professionals and employees of IC Intracom Ltd. in connection with the use of the services by users does not give rise to any responsibility or obligations for IC Intracom Ltd.

Art. 13. The User is obliged to indemnify IC Intracom Ltd. and all third parties for all damages and lost of profits, including any costs and attorneys' fees paid, incurred as a result of claims made by and/or damages paid to third parties in connection with the hyper-linked websites, materials or information that the User has used, hosted on the server or directory of IC Intracom Ltd., sent, distributed, made available to third parties or made available through IC Intracom Ltd. in violation of the law, these Terms and Conditions, Good Morals or Internet Ethics.

Art. 14. IC Intracom Ltd. has the right to collect and use information about its Users, whether or not they are registered as members of www.ic-intracom.bg. The terms and conditions for the protection of Users' personal data are described on the page.

Art. 15. The information referred to in the preceding Article may be used by IC Intracom Ltd., except in the case of the User's express disagreement sent to the following e-mail address office(at) ic-intracom.bg. IC Intracom Ltd. collects and uses the information to improve the offered services. All purposes for which IC Intracom Ltd. will use the information will be in accordance with Bulgarian legislation, applicable international acts and good morals.

Art. 16. IC Intracom Ltd. guarantees to its Users the confidentiality of the provided information and personal data. The latter shall not be used, provided or brought to the knowledge of third parties outside the cases and under the conditions set out in these General Terms and Conditions.

Art. 17. IC Intracom Ltd. has the right to install cookies on users' computers. They are text files that are saved by the Website on the User's hard drive and allow the recovery of information about the User, identifying him and allowing the tracking of his actions, the websites he visits, the hyperlinks he uses, the information he uses and saves, etc.

Returning goods and cancelling an order

Art. 18. The user may refuse ordered and delivered products in the following cases:

(a) visible discrepancy of the delivered product with the ordered one, which can be established by a simple examination of the product;

  1. b) the goods have suffered a defect during transportation, which defect must be reflected in the courier's bill of lading;

(c) the price on delivery does not correspond to the previously agreed price;

(d) the delivery period has not been complied with.

The above claims are valid at the time of receipt of the order. Outside the cases listed and outside the terms of Article 55 (1) of the CPL (Consumer Protection Law), the customer has no right to refuse to pay and return a delivered item. If he wishes to do so, he is not entitled to a refund of the amount paid and bears the transport costs.

Art. 19. The customer does not have the right to refuse goods which were not available at the time of the order and which were subsequently delivered specifically for him.

Art. 20. Before returning the goods, the User is obliged to notify IC Intracom Ltd. of this wish, which reserves the right not to accept goods sent to its warehouses without prior notice.

Art. 21. IC Intracom Ltd. undertakes within 15 days after the recognition of the return of the goods and its receipt in the warehouse to refund the value paid for it to the User. Refunds are made by mutual agreement via bank transfer or at the cash desk in the company's office.

Amendment of the General Terms and Conditions

Art. 22. The General Terms and Conditions may be changed at any time by IC Intracom Ltd. It also has the right to change the characteristics of the provided services and these General Terms and Conditions and on the basis of changes in legislation. IC Intracom Ltd. is obliged to notify the User of changes to the General Terms and Conditions by prominently publishing a notice of the changes on its website and giving sufficient time to become familiar with them. Within the given period, if the User does not state that he rejects the changes, then he is considered bound by them. In the event that the User declares within the time limit that he/she does not agree with the changes, then IC Intracom Ltd. has the right to immediately suspend or terminate the provision of services to the User.

Transitional and final provisions

Art. 23. "User" means anyone who has loaded the www.ic-intracom.bg website on his or her computer.

Art. 24. "Order" means the selected goods and all other attributes related to the method of delivery and payment of the goods by the User.

Art. 25. All phone numbers and e-mails for contacts are announced at www.ic-intracom.bg.